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My first art show!!!

I was asked to set up a wall of my work for the 2 night art show "GRITTY" put on by a company called Medium. The event featured live paint, graffiti, poetry, dance, with a great turnout and a killer vibe. I spent the nights working on a customer order, while talking on lookers through my process and projects.

Felt great to have my work seen my the public like that.

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Dream Car!!

Just puttin this out to the universe! heh. Can't wait to be rollin around in my dream car. :P

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June 25th, 26th and 27th GRITTY Art Exhibit!!!!!!!!!

I was asked a while back to submit some some of my shoes for an art show in Hollywood. In one week I will have 8 pairs of shoes up on display at "GRITTY!!" I'm super excited about this show, its the first time the general public will get to see my work. Come check it out!

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"The World" AF1 Low

Easily the most detailed work I have ever produced. I got the idea for these customs long ago, but didn't have the time or motivation to get them done. When asked to do the "GRITTY" art show in June, I decided to bite the bullet and make the idea a reality. Although tedious, I really enjoyed working on these shoes.

Nothing beats friends reactions when they see all the little islands and such they visited while on vacation.

100% freehand brush painted as always (believe it or not heh)